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Where linux

use wine i guess

I have a NoVideo GPU, which under wine would refuse to run most games (including RPG titles like this). I haven't tried that foss engine yet, will try tho.

i love you guys

thank you for alllllllllllll!!!!!!

I love it! I LOVE IT!!!

I remember playing one shot a long time ago such a unique game

instructions not understood. house burnt



Stop everything.

Kris, get the banana.


no linux version… seems this “oneshot the pancacke episode” is a noshot pancake episode…

i tried it on wine, looks like it works


never got it to work on regular wine but i did get it to work using lutris and wine-ge

gotta put this on a usb to save forever and ever

(1 edit) (+2)

My messiah (child from another world) finally got their god (me running an exe file) damn panned cakes......

Hello, does anyone know how to solve this or why it appears, I already tried to reinstall the program but it doesn't work :c

Deleted 22 hours ago
Deleted 22 hours ago

Hey I don't know if this is the exact same error but this might help:


When I have a computer to play on in a little while I'm gonna play through this and maybe even make the pancakes

It is just so amazing...


letssss gooooooooooooo i love oneshotttt


All I wanted was to tell everyone how much I missed them... ):

Peak Fiction

Will the OST for this game drop too?


In the end, this really was a OneShot.



Windows only? Why not support the same platforms the main game does?

great to see them again

(1 edit) (+6)

If i had a nickel for every time a free short video game included a pancake recipe, i would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice


What's the other one, I need to know now




it was so fun seeing them all interact again!! I hope one day I get to make Niko's mom's pancakes. They sound really delicious!


I just finished this... it was nice, but now I'm sad that there's no more OneShot for me to play...

I mean, there are oneshot mods you can play

I am Mold Mario, and I approve this message

I've already played them

There's nothing we can do...

(1 edit)

Happy anniversary! Thanks for this GOAT!!

I want to make these pancakes with my mom (because I'm so bad and slow at cooking, but she loves to do it) and share them with plush Niko.

Special thanks to Proto for converting all that incomprehensible meassures to plain grams. And for SCIENCE TIME. But mostly for the conversions.

Man they really One that Shot




Holy hooray!!! New OneShot content!!!


thank you for this game


Time goes by, but the memories are never forgotten.

Happy tenth anniversary. 


it is peak


proto casually having the hardest image known to man



OneShot 2: Electric Boogaloo


I've made a recipe from the game




Finally, some good fucking food – Telegraph

It wasn't even bad. Just maybe a bit dry




I sometimes clicked too fast and missed bits T_T

Oneshot 2 a masterpiece




absolute cinema


This is such an amazing little extension of the OneShot universe!! All the character interactions are so adorable, along with the new art and music being great!!! The pancake recipe is also like actually incorporated well with the batter (game) and it makes for a super fun experience! Thank you Niko (and the developers), and I hope that the egg whites are slightly less lonely now. 

(They can't be lonely, they're eggs.)

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